TGC Hawaii Resources
In 1 Corinthians 4:7, Paul asks the church in Corinth, “What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it?” When asking these questions, he is reminding them that both the Corinthians and the so-called “super apostles” are recipients of God’s grace.
All of their wisdom and learning was a gift from God, but it was mediated by others in the church. And so it is with us: everything we know and receive in ministry is a gift from God, typically mediated by others in his church.
We want TGC Hawai’i to be a place where we can give to each other, just as God has given to us. To help accomplish that goal, we want to be a place where we can share resources with each other, sharpen each other, and encourage each other to remain faithful in life and ministry.
At the TGC lunch in September, I shared seven ways that we want to provide resources through TGC Hawaii. We are all busy with family, our own local churches, and many other pressures pushing in on us. Our goal is never to add stress to your already stressful life; instead, we want to refresh, serve, and equip each other for faithful ministry for the long haul. If you have other things to share, let us know and we can add them to the TGC Hawaii events calendar.
1. Connect Lunches
- 2023 Connect Lunches in January, February, April, May, September, October, and November.
- More details to come soon.
2. Fall Seminars
- Fall seminar, October 13, Aiea Heights Church.
- Peter Leithart, “How to Read the Bible.”
- 9:30am–11:30am, followed by lunch.
- Register here.
3. Summer Courses
- Summer 2023, details TBA.
4. TGC Hawaii Website
- Watch this space for events and new blog posts.
5. Seminary Courses
- BCS Oahu seminary courses at Kailua Baptist Church, Monday evenings:
- Greek Exegesis of Matthew 5pm
- Beginning Greek, 5pm
- Systematic Theology 1, 7pm
6. Partner Events
- Women’s Bible Conference, October 14–15 at Aiea Heights Church.
- Theopolis Course: "Hope," October 14–15 at Kailua Baptist Church.
- Future events will be linked on the TGC Hawaii site.
7. Pastoral Fellowships
- Oahu Local Theologians Fellowship
- Theme: Humility
- Lunch meetings in October, January, March, and May.
- We will read various books and articles on this subject and gather to discuss.
- Email Chris Bruno to sign up.
- Church Fathers Reading Group:
- Meeting 7am in Kailua on the last Saturday of month in September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and May.
- Email Chris Bruno for details.
Chris Bruno
Global Partner, Training Leaders International; Elder, Kailua Baptist
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